Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Beginnings

A new semester waits just around the corner.
I feel a great deal of excitement for what is to come.
I have new professors from whom to learn and new classmates with whom to interact.
I have new course material and required reading with which to work.
I have a new schedule that I must manage to the best of my ability.
The great thing about college is that, while dorms and roommates usually stay the same after each semester, nothing else has to.
I will remember the lessons of last semester to help me uncover more of mypotential during all of the new activities next semester.
Hopefully my next few posts will be about startlingly important life revelations and the many wonderful aspects and opportunities of Douglass.
Speaking of wonderful opportunities at Douglass, there really are very many. I mean, if it weren't for Douglass, I wouldn't even be writing this.